Healthy Snacking Just Got A little Easier!

Blue Dinosaur Paleo Bars are a vegan, gluten and dairy free healthy snack bar made from only 5 natural ingredients.
Blue Dinosaur Paleo Bar Banana Bread
Banana Bread - Sulphur Free Organic Coconuts, Dates, Organic Banana, Organic Coconut Oil, Cinnamon & Nothing Else!
Packed with lots of natural energy and good fats, they are perfect to have before or after a workout, as a 3pm pick me up or any time you are looking to make a healthier snacking choice.
9 Delicious Flavours -
Blue Dinosaur Paleo Bar Range
Oh, and why did we choose the name Blue Dinosaur? That was nothing more than the Founder fulfilling a promise he made to his best mate when he was 14; if either one of them were to start a business, that business would be named Blue Dinosaur!